W. Somerset Maugham: Collected Short Stories: v: 4

W. Somerset Maugham: Collected Short Stories: v: 4

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Жанр : Random House Inc.
Издательство : Random House, Inc.
Год издания : 2002


This final classic collection of stories reveals Somerset Maugham's unique talent for exposing and exploring the bitter realities of human relationships. Brilliant tales of love, infidelity, passion and prejudice, the stories range from 'The Lotus Eater' in which a man has a vision of a life of bliss in the Mediterranean, to the astringent tales of 'The Outstation' and 'The Back of Beyond' in Malaya and South East Asia. Largely set in favourite Maugham country, this colourful collection brilliantly evokes the numbered days of the British Empire.

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