Gardner Bill: LogoLounge Mini: 2, 000 International Identities by Leading Designers

Gardner Bill: LogoLounge Mini: 2, 000 International Identities by Leading Designers

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Жанр : Rockport Publishers
Издательство : Rockport Publishers
Год издания : 2006


This book takes all the logos that were in Rockport Publisher's best-seller, LogoLounge and collects them in one small, neat, pictorial handbook for easy reference. There are no lengthy case histories, just logos, logos, and more logos. It's a fast-paced book featuring one to six logos per page to allow designers to easily shop for ideas. Logos are among the most important elements a designer can create, so it is no surprise that they are always looking for new, fresh ideas. LogoLounge Mini delivers just that. Its predecessor showcased the logos along with the stories of how they came to be; this compact version puts the spotlight on the logos alone, making it the perfect handbook to logo design.

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