Antonio Attini: Ireland: A View from Above

Antonio Attini: Ireland: A View from Above

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Жанр : White Star Publishers
Издательство : White Star Publishers
Год издания : 2008


Through stunning aerial photography of Ireland, this book captures the multitudes of colour and lushness of the country's natural landscape and heritage. All lovers of Ireland will enjoy this fantastic aerial trip over the green western outpost of Europe. The book offers readers hundreds of views over a sea of gentle hills and green meadows, desolate moors dotted with heather and gorse, and a jagged coastline tormented unceasingly by the ocean. Breathtaking images spring from the pages of this book, designed to capture an extraordinary plane journey over Ireland, and made even more captivating by the exceptional clarity and unusual perspectives of the photos taken by well known photographers. From the air, the reader can discover boundless landscapes and hidden corners revealed in all their stunning beauty.

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