Trisha Ziff: Che Guevara: Revolutionary and Icon

Trisha Ziff: Che Guevara: Revolutionary and Icon

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Жанр : V & A Publishing
Издательство : V & A Publishing
Год издания : 2006


The photograph of Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara by Alberto Korda, taken on 5 March 1960, is thought to be the most reproduced image in the history of photography. It has become an icon, symbolising anti-establishment thought and action, as relevant in our fractured world today as it was in the revolutionary and Pop idiom of the 1960s. This book brings together photography, posters, film, fine art, clothing and artefacts from the world over to trace Che’s transformation from heroic guerilla, through Pop celebrity to symbol of radical chic. Korda’s Che is an ideal abstraction, an icon to be appropriated by counter-culture, in whatever guise. The story of Che has many tellings and here they are brought together that gives new life to the legend.

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