Toon Paige: Baby Be Mine

Toon Paige: Baby Be Mine

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Жанр : Simon & Schuster
Издательство : Simon & Schuster
Год издания : 2011


He's not mine, is he? That's the question I fear the most. You see, I have a secret. My son is not fathered by my boyfriend, but by one of the most famous people that ever lived. And he doesn't even know it. One-time celebrity personal assistant to wild boy of rock Johnny Jefferson, Meg Stiles is now settled and living in the south of France with her doting boyfriend Christian and son Phoenix. But they're living a lie — a lie that will turn their lives upside down and inside out. Because Meg's son doesn't look like Christian, he looks like his rock star father and, sooner or later, the world is going to realise...

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