Walford Jonathan: Sixties Fashion: From 'Less is More' to Youthquake

Walford Jonathan: Sixties Fashion: From 'Less is More' to Youthquake

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Жанр : Thames&Hudson
Издательство : Thames&Hudson
Год издания : 2013


By the end of the decade, styles, markets, materials, demographics, inspirations and the very definition of fashion had been transformed. The young generation wanted informal but stylish clothes, and self-expression was paramount. Fashion had given way to style. Jonathan Walford charts these revolutions, from Londons mod youthquake to the ye-yes in Paris via the flower children and Afro movement in the US, and shows how a new internationalism changed the fashion landscape, as London, New York, Florence, San Francisco, Hong Kong, Madrid and Rome challenged the dominance of Paris haute couture.

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