Cappellato Gabriele: Davide Macullo Architects: Jansen Campus

Cappellato Gabriele: Davide Macullo Architects: Jansen Campus

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Жанр : Thames&Hudson
Издательство : Thames&Hudson
Год издания : 2013


The landscape of the plains of the Rhine is a place that speaks of the history of a people who have had to put ethics before aesthetics for survival. It is these echoes of the past and the shades of the landscape that inform the volumes and principles of the new Jansen Campus. This volume recounts the result of two years of extraordinary collaboration between the architects and the clients. The building, a striking new addition to the skyline, is the link between the industrial area and the old town and takes its triangular forms from the traditional pitched roofs of Oberriet. The book focuses on the innovative technologies used for the project, which includes new details and materials not yet used in architecture the facade system for example, which displays structural glazing details (by Jansen AG) and internal glazed fireproof doors. The buildings heating, ventilation, lighting and energy consumption meets strict Swiss Minergie standards, meaning that it has excellent sustainable credentials.

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