Scott Ciencin: Charmed: Light of the World

Scott Ciencin: Charmed: Light of the World

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Жанр : Simon & Schuster
Издательство : Simon & Schuster
Год издания : 2006


The Charmed Ones couldn't be happier — Phoebe and Piper's childhood friend Lyssa is getting married and has asked them to be bridesmaids! They're thrilled to support her at her wedding, and jump at the chance to get away to the seaside for a little while. The ceremony will take place in Serenity Cove's beautiful old lighthouse, which is rumored to be haunted by the vengeful spirit of the lighthouse keeper who lost his true love at sea — one hundred years ago, on the date of Lyssa's wedding. The Halliwell sisters ignore the rumors...until, that is, they notice the strange behavior of Lyssa's fiancé. He seems to have become obsessed with Lyssa's family heirloom, a strange and beautiful diamond called the Light of the World. Can the Charmed Ones disclose his true identity and intentions before their friend says «I do» to Mr. Wrong?

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