Kozinn Allan: The Beatles: From the Cavern to the Rooftop

Kozinn Allan: The Beatles: From the Cavern to the Rooftop

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Жанр : Phaidon Press
Издательство : Phaidon Press
Год издания : 2010


The Beatles follows the extraordinary development of four self-taught musicians from Liverpool, from their beginnings, until the break-up in 1970. This biography sets the group's evolution against the backdrop of a popular culture explosion in the 1960s. A serious study of the Beatles' music is expanded here by consideration not only of the group's commercially released disks but also of rare working tapes which both shed light on the compositional process and reveal how many of their milestone recordings took shape in the studio. It also examines why the innovative music of the Beatles — created, at least initially, as ephemera — has remained so durable.

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