Godfrey Tony: Conceptual Art

Godfrey Tony: Conceptual Art

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Жанр : Phaidon Press
Издательство : Phaidon Press
Год издания : 2011


Covering the entire 20th century, this text traces the roots of conceptual art to movements such as Dada, explaining its importance in the 1960s and 1970s and showing that it is still alive today. In 1917 Marcel Duchamp signed the name R. Mutt on a urinal and placed it in a gallery. Even the most strident modernists refused to accept this object as a work of art, however, Duchamp stuck to his guns, claiming that he had chosen the urinal as an art object so it must be art. Such arguments over the nature of art still continue today. Tony Godfrey sees the archetypal work of Conceptual Art as a question and a proposition joined together: What is Art? This could be Art. This text seeks to demystify the subject by placing the art in its social and political context.

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