Janet Whitcut: Better Wordpower

Janet Whitcut: Better Wordpower

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Жанр : Oxford University Press
Издательство : Oxford University Press
Год издания : 2000


Increase your confidence, and improve your command of English Today, more and more emphasis is placed on successful communication, and on the correct and skilled use of words. Better Wordpower helps you through the pitfalls and complications of the English language. Banish spelling problems for ever Most people wish they could spell better: hints are given on how to tackle the most typical problems and provides a list of the most frequently misspelled words Use the right word in the right situation English is full of words, which are similar in sound or spelling: this section gives examples of common confusables and how to avoid making mistakes Widen your specialist vocabulary Use the topic word lists when you need a specialist term, for example, on art, astronomy, finance, language, mathematics, music, parts of the body, or science If you want to become more effective in your use of English, then this essential self-improvement guide will show you how.

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