Fulco Pratesi: Global 200: Places That Must Survive

Fulco Pratesi: Global 200: Places That Must Survive

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Жанр : White Star Publishers
Издательство : White Star Publishers
Год издания : 2007


This important work is a rousing “call to action” and conservation project that urges us to start preserving the world’s delicate ecosystems while there is still time. In an age where we have achieved a greater awareness of the Earth’s vulnerability and the uncertainty surrounding its future, this influential volume is both beautiful and topical. It is an excellent way to enjoy an “armchair tour” of the world’s most precious natural sites, without damaging their ecosystems. This book presents some of the world’s 200 most-endangered natural sites, which currently require greater protection. The multifaceted nature of the various eco-regions is illustrated with splendid color photographs, many in panoramic format, revealing the unique features of each area and the threats to it. The volume emphasizes the pressing need for each of us to take immediate action in order to preserve these irreplaceable natural resources. Vivid color photographs accompany the reader through the acacia savannas of East Africa, populated by extremely diverse fauna that is currently threatened by deforestation, farming, grazing and uncontrolled hunting. The tour continues with the Patagonian steppe, one of the most boundless and unique habitats in the world, which is home to many endangered indigenous species, and the reader will discover yet another rich, but as yet unprotected, region. From the forests of Borneo to the marine and nature reserves of the Hawaiian Islands, the Siberian taiga, and the Antarctic Peninsula, this book reveals the beauty, fragility and inestimable importance of the world’s eco-regions. The magnificent photographs and environmental message will appeal to conservationists, nature lovers and travelers alike. This book contributes to wwf italia’s ecoregional conservation project. The book is printed on paper certified by the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council)

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