Fiona Macdonald: You Wouldn't Want to Sail with Christopher Columbus!

Fiona Macdonald: You Wouldn't Want to Sail with Christopher Columbus!

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Жанр : Scholastic
Издательство : Scholastic
Год издания : 2004


This fun and interesting, interactive series will enthrall young readers by making them a part of the story. Readers will become the main character and can revel in the gory, dark, horrific side of life throughout important moments in history. Humorous «Handy Hints» that relate directly to the text are provided on each spread. You (the reader) are a young boy living in a coastal village in Spain during the late 15th century. It's your dream to become an explorer, and you jump at the chance to join Christopher Columbus on his voyage to find a new route to Asia. Learn what tools are used for navigation, what life is like on a 15th-century sailing ship, and how Columbus accidentally finds the West Indies. After reading this book there will be no doubt in your mind that these are uncharted waters you'd rather not cross.

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