Donna Kauffman: The Big Bad Wolf Tells All

Donna Kauffman: The Big Bad Wolf Tells All

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Жанр : Random House Inc.
Издательство : Random House, Inc.
Год издания : 2004


Tanzy Harrington is the ultimate Alpha Female. As the Bay Area's most-read single-scene columnist and self-proclaimed love-'em-and-leave-'em artist, she's not about to tie herself down to one man —especially when «settling down» seems awfully close to simply «settling.» But when all of her friends are happily married — and reproducing — she's starting to feel a little bit like she's missing something important. What is it about those dependable guys — the sheep who follow along — that makes Tanzy want to prowl the hot spots looking for a wolf to take home to her lair? And then there's Riley Parrish, her eccentric aunt's mysterious new employee. He's a sheep, all right ... right? But under his polite, good-provider exterior, she catches a glimpse of something decidedly wolfish lurking in his eyes. With a deranged fan stalking her, her friends cooing over china patterns and baby outfits, and a deadline her editor won't extend, Tanzy's experiment in wolf-taming may be ill-thought, but it sure is a howling good time.

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