Steps to Success Get That Job: CVs (Curriculum Vitae)

Steps to Success Get That Job: CVs (Curriculum Vitae)

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Жанр : Bloomsbury Publishing
Издательство : Bloomsbury Publishing
Год издания : 2004


It's never been harder to find the perfect job, and marketing yourself well can be tricky. Get that job: CVs takes the strain out of job-hunting, providing effective, helpful guidance on creating the ultimate marketing tool, your CV. Full of information on different types of CVs for every occasion and job, this book will help you get your foot in the door and get the interview you want. The book contains a quiz to assess strengths and weaknesses, a jargon-free glossary of key words and phrases plus FAQs: frequently asked questions about approaching the challenge. There is also step-by-step advice on how to avoid common mistakes. A checklist provides a condensed list of key points to remember while preparing your CV and related Web links provide the best places to find more information about a topic or challenge.

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