Henry Strutz: Dictionary of French Slang

Henry Strutz: Dictionary of French Slang

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Жанр : Barron's Ed
Издательство : Barron's Ed
Год издания : 2009


Titles in this quick-reference series for language students and international travellers each present more than 4,000 informal, commonly-used words and phrases in their target language, with English translations and equivalent phrases. International travellers quickly discover that their textbook knowledge of a second language will take them only so far in understanding and communicating with others. These new editions, updated with many of the most contemporary expressions, will help all students and travellers who have an intermediate-level knowledge of the target language but need to familiarise themselves with informal speech. Words and phrases are presented with grammatical information, their English meanings, and a sentence or extended phrase in the target language to illustrate usage, followed by the English translation.

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