Resort Hotel Interior: World Premier Hotel Design Vol. 4

Resort Hotel Interior: World Premier Hotel Design Vol. 4

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Жанр : ACC Distribution
Издательство : ACC Distribution
Год издания : 2007


In contrast with urban hotels that began by providing upscale dining and banquet facilities to city dwellers, resort hotels have their historical roots in the hospitality industry that started with hospitals and sanatoriums. For the forerunners of today's resort hotels we can look to the beginning of the nineteenth century to facilities such as like Badischer Hof in the German spa town of Baden Baden, with its hot and cold water bathtubs, where the form of the modern resort hotel was already being established. This stunning volume, illustrated with superlative colour photographs and plans, present the very best resort hotels from around the world, including the USA, Germany, Austria, Italy, Cambodia, France, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia.

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